
Thursday, February 02, 2012

DAILY: Honda, Kia fume as Obama saves auto-show love for U.S. makers | BMW fails to outpace Mercedes in U.S. sales | Chrysler to add 1,800 workers at Illinois plant

DAILY NEWSLETTER February 2, 2012
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Honda, Kia fume as Obama saves auto-show love for U.S. makers
image WASHINGTON (Bloomberg) -- As President Barack Obama planned a visit to the Washington Auto Show for Jan. 31, non-U.S.-based automakers including Honda Motor Co. and Toyota Motor Corp. hustled to show off for him.
On about two days’ notice, ...
>> story  Published: Feb 2 7:23 am U.S. Eastern time

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BMW fails to outpace Mercedes in U.S. sales
image DETROIT (Bloomberg) -- BMW failed to keep its lead over Mercedes-Benz in January U.S. sales, getting some payback after December's sales push to seal its place as 2011's top-selling U.S. luxury brand.
BMW brand deliveries rose 3.1 percent to 16,405 ...
>> story  Published: Feb 2 12:01 am U.S. Eastern time [REG]

Chrysler to add 1,800 workers at Illinois plant for Dart, Compass and Patriot
imageChrysler Group said today it will ramp up production of the 2013 Dodge Dart quickly at a plant in Belvidere, Ill., adding more than 1,800 workers even before the first model has been built.
During a ceremony with state and local officials at the ...
>> story  Published: Feb 2 1:24 pm U.S. Eastern time
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    B-Max: Cute and innovative, but not for U.S.
    BlogRICK KRANZ: The Ford B-Max is cute and functional, but it won't be sold in the United States. That has one reader looking for loopholes in the law. ... arrow Read the blog  Published: Feb 2 2:24 pm U.S. Eastern time
    Lindsay Chappell is the Mid-South bureau chief for Automotive News
    Will parts scandal prompt Toyota, Honda to sue suppliers?
    BlogThe auto parts bid-rigging scandal being unearthed by the FBI in Detroit is a publicity mess for the big Japanese companies that are involved: Yazaki, Denso, Furukawa, Toyota and Honda. ... arrow Read the blog  Published: Feb 2 2:06 pm U.S. Eastern time
    Luca Ciferri is Automotive News Europe's chief correspondent
    Marchionne reveals a Fiat secret
    BlogFiat CEO Sergio Marchionne on Wednesday revealed a long-kept company secret: how much Fiat's automotive unit lost in Europe in a year. Why make the number public now? Probably to underline that Europe's profit-killing overcapacity is a big threat to the auto industry here. ... arrow Read the blog  Published: Feb 2 12:01 am U.S. Eastern time
    Kia Soul performance model? Meet the Track'ster concept
    BlogRICK KRANZ: The Kia Soul is among this country's 25 hottest nameplates. So it's no surprise that the Korean automaker wants to share its Soul with a wider range of buyers. ... arrow Read the blog  Published: Feb 2 9:00 am U.S. Eastern time
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