
Thursday, December 29, 2011

Where to Find More Traffic Sign Funding Resources

By Jessi McCafferty

Grants for driver speed display signs can be discovered among federal government and law enforcement grants. But there are a selection of options in addition to grants that might be good resources for cash to install the signs.

Some local funding options may include places like local budgets that might include funds for actions like enhancing speed awareness to increase public safety. Look in places such as parks and recreation, public school, local law enforcement and transportation operating budgets for some help with funding radar devices. Another option is any capital improvement project that's paid for with public cash. Where there's construction or changes to the sub-structure, there might be money available to budget toward the signs.

Alternative sources of funds including private sources for the signs can be a little easier to find, though the cash for the project might not always be available. Any local chapter of the Parent Teacher Association (PTA) or similar organizations could have money budgeted for school safety, or may have contacts with organizations that may help with signs designed for school zones.

Look at your local Chamber of Commerce for companies and organizations that are typically charitable towards the community for possible funds. And contacting members of organizations like local chapters of the the Elks or Moose lodges, the Rotary Club, and other organisations could help you to find people or local business owners who can help with funding.

Foundations regularly give money to good community causes, also. Local chapters and related affiliations are the best place to start, but looking nationwide for foundations that frequently help with issues like public safety, health, community and transportation could produce many chances at getting funding. Many organizations, foundations and local firms might be more likely to produce funds for signs in school zones than in other areas, but these are still all good resources to look into for signs destined for any section of the community.

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